Plan B....Am I pregnant!? - plan b urination
I had sex with my boyfriend on 7 May the condom was (he did ejaculate in me) (of which 14 days) was in my cycle on vacation and could not that was Plan B for 3 days after the expiry of this period is 72 hours. I took the Plan B as shown (I have 2 times before) I know what I thought was a period of approximately 5 days after talking about Plan B. completed around 20th May. It is now the 20th June, and I experience the severe breast tenderness, frequent urination and nausea accurate. I also experienced some cramping! Can I be pregnant? Has anyone else about that! Thank you for helping a consultation!
Plan B is only 80% efficient, so that it can be, even if she was pregnant when he has a plan B is not abortifact a feeling that would not cause an abortion or miscarriage occurred. I do not know what else to say. I think it is a medical reason he could not hormonal contraceptives while using a condom. : - / Make a pregnancy test.
Remove asked the Council .... the pill or some form of contraception! As with pregnancy, perhaps. It seems that the "time, he was" a side effect of Plan B. I've never met, do not know, then, whether you do this. I am an educated guess. If you are well informed, plan when to B and have more than once, you should know that condoms were not 100% effective and must be something else. A test of early pregnancy. If your complaint pr negative. immediately and ask about options for birth control.
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