Friday, January 22, 2010

Disposable Garbage Cans Can I Recycle My Disposable Razors?

Can I recycle my disposable razors? - disposable garbage cans

Where can I go? Remove the plug and put the metal, and put the plastic handle? Is there a more sustainable way the hair with creating so much waste disposed of?


whsgreen... said...

I can not find a way to recycle a razor. It is a product that helps to keep awake for longer than less discarded. I have a link. There are certain things you can do to get the shaver to replace only the cartridge of the razor blade, instead of getting all, or too old, with a replaceable blade. I Laser hair removal and shaving only twice a year.

Aviator1... said...

If it is dry after each use, they can last for months. They are angry because they start to rust at the end of the head. Simply use a hair dryer for a few seconds.

AronG said...

for some reason they're shooting innnnnnnn theeeeee trashhhhhhhh ............................ ...

AronG said...

for some reason they're shooting innnnnnnn theeeeee trashhhhhhhh ............................ ...

baby4kid... said...

not thrown

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